Wow! that was amazing! colouring stuff in and using it as a type of animation?? thats hard man, thats why i voted a 5, good job! You should continue on that type of animation, because its damn good!
Wow! that was amazing! colouring stuff in and using it as a type of animation?? thats hard man, thats why i voted a 5, good job! You should continue on that type of animation, because its damn good!
Thanks! I may continue to do hand-drawn things now. Maybe even make a sequel to this movie.
Can you stop already??
Stay away from newgrounds, Just get out of here, nobody wants you, nobody likes you, you suck, go away. Enough of your bullcrap to the others, stop attracting attention, you suck. Go make fun of someone that actually stoops down to your level instead of making fun of Newgrounds finest. Please, just stop talking the penor and such and just get laid, you sicken me, you poor bastard child
P.S - Piconjo may like p3nor, but GregSD likes pants, file THAT in your report, you towel.
Piconjo is hereto stay for good, so j00 might as well sux mai pen0r now, or get 2nds after LF, either way, joo will sux main pen0r.
thx for voting 6!
oh my god...
3D movie eh? Well that was pretty mindblowing if i do say so myself, The graphics... they were incredible, good music to back it up too. Lesse... Yeah, i'd say this thing is amazing, good job, you did fantastic work here, The whole plot, the concept, the fighting and the timing especially with all the jets runnin here and there, it was all clean and smooth. You got my 5.
Oh man, you have such a screwed up head, you kick ass. That was extremely funny, for reasons unknown of course, share your funnies with Newgrounds and people will laugh until they explode
P.S - I like Pants
I agree, the story line could of been better
Otherwise, your voice actors, voice lip synching, and the way you animate how they talk is truly unbelievable. Great work, now, make something longer, a better plot, and you should be at the top in no time! Great job otherwise man, peace out
Amazing animation, this is the type of work which inspires many of us newgrounds viewers to try something new rather than rip off unorigionals cartoons and ads, amazing style, animation, clean, superb, fresh, excellent.
Spanish eh? Eres un Animador loco! Bien trabajo! te felicito! hasta luego ^_^
gracias (:
Go Legendary Frog and Super Flash Bros!!
YAY! Another great composition to go down in History! Hail thee Legendary Frog and Super Flash Bros! You've certainly owned the glory of thousands of faithful flash viewers, Bravo on your work, and i commend you guys on your hard work and amazing styles in flash in Sound, Movement, and overall animation. Good Job!
w00t! that was amazing, truly a comical style of art you got there, i love it, i wish my stuff was like that, meanwhile i'm still fiddling around with my cartoons and such. Anyway, that was quite funny and very origional, you get my 10, good job, and keep it coming my friend!
"Really matter. What" Final piece to the link - "ties.com/sa" Wow, you actually did it! I'm impressed! Connect the words and go download your prize, you n00b. :) *insert flower*
Age 38, Male
Copycat Magnificent
Good ol' T-Dot
Joined on 9/30/03